Sunday 12 July 2015

A Walk Around the Garden

As ever, I'm way behind with my blogging and just trying to catch up by taking you on a little wander round the garden over the past couple of months since Spring began and moved into summer.

First outside lunch of the year - Bread by S, quiche by mum and salad by me - with our own, home grown radishes

Daisies in our 'meadow'

The Rambling Rector Rose

Making progress with the raised beds - note the growing asparagus bed on the left!



Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride'

Old Rhubarb and New Rhubarb
The Radishes - when they were very young
The new corner in the meadow - sweet peas, peonies and aconitum
The globe artichoke is still struggling despite having been planted out
Stepover apples
Cowslips in the meadow
New raspberry plants
Crown imperial
Crown imperial
Hydrangeas with Wedding Day rose
Hydrangeas outside the front door - with the weevil-ridden columns in the background!
The wisteria showing signs of life - but now showing signs of death!
Pear tree blossom
Mahonia in bloom
Clearing the top of the garden to find a wall!

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