I'm so sorry. It's been ages since I last posted. March, in fact. And now, scarily, it is suddenly five months later. But the good news is that there is much to report and major work is underway with more major work about to start. It's not just tinkering about at the edges any more but a major leap for mankind. At last, Houston, we have lift off!
The heating engineer, Nathan, has been on site for the past two weeks and is making great progress, even claiming to be ahead of schedule, which must be unheard of for a renovation project. We have finally decided to put the boilers, all two of them, in what was the log shed. Now rather grandly referred to as the boiler room. Nathan spent much of the first week ensconced in there, fitting the boilers. It looks wonderful now.
Once a Log Shed, Now a Boiler Room |
One Boiler |
Two Boilers |
Boilers In Close Up |
Lovely Pipes for Something or Other |
More Lovely Pipes with Additional Technical Bits |
A Work of Art |
And just a reminder that the log shed once looked like this, shrouded in ivy!
The other thing that has been happening is more pipework in the pantry, which is to be recommissioned as the utility room.
And trenches are being dug. Everywhere. They will take all that lovely hot water into the house and will also accommodate extra big pipes to get lots of lovely water from the mains. Here they are. Enjoy!
So now it really does look like a building site. At last. As I said, we have Lift Off!!
(However, not everything has lifted off. Some things look more like they have been laid out.)
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