Saturday, 18 May 2013

The Latest Addition

We’ve been thinking about getting a dog.  The house needs a dog.  It is too empty without one.  I’ve been scrutinizing the Blue Cross Rehoming pages for weeks and have had some near misses.  A few weeks ago, we viewed Flotie, a Jack Russell, and her son, Sprocket, a Jack Russell/Yorkshire Terrier cross.  They were still living at home but their owner was moving and could not take them with her.  We loved them both but were worried that Flotie, in particular, was too jumpy and bouncy for my mum to cope with.  I carried on scanning the Blue Cross pages and then, one day, there was Sprocket again, but this time without Flotie, even though we’d been told that they were inseparable.  I rang up to hear the sad news that Flotie had been run over and then, left in their home with the Yorkshire terrier who is his father, Sprocket had suffered a prolonged attack.  He was then put into the Blue Cross kennels as a permanent resident. 

I rushed off to meet him again.  Despite their concern about his nervous state, a very confident and happy dog came rushing to meet me.  My heart was won over. I went back on the Sunday with S and my mum.  We were all captivated and Sprocket came home on the Bank Holiday Monday, a glorious day.  We sat outside and had a barbecue.

He has settled in well but is suffering separation anxiety, having fixated on me, he follows me everywhere, hates me to leave and is hysterical on my return.  It is very flattering, if a bit wearing, and I will be glad when he becomes more confident and settles down.  He howls at night and barks us awake at the crack of dawn. 

However, he is funny and we are all completely besotted with him.  Some pictures to show you why:

Was it tea in that cup or something stronger?

Sprocket with Surrogate Me, His Night Time Pal

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