Not just out of focus photographs this time, but a lack of focus in terms of our project for the week. We were on leave and started the weekend by planning to decorate the dining room. Our rationale for this was that it looked like quite a quick job, particularly as we could leave the windows, given that they need to be repaired in due course. However, we then decided to include the windows as who knows when we will be in a financial position to get them sorted out. So, then it became a bit more of an effort, taking into account the shutters and the window frames. S fettled the wiring at the far end of the room, the bit that was plastered weeks (well, months!) ago, while I set to sanding by hand on the delicate areas and then by machine on the bigger expanses.

We're going to replace the lights on the walls. We had half moon uplighters originally but are going to drop them down to where the square is below the cream semi-circle on the picture below, the one with the wires protruding that was previously covered with a plastic box, which you can now see on the half moon bit. We are going to replace the uplighters with picture lights, we think, perhaps. We also need to source suitable chandeliers to replace the chrome pendants (seen in the picture above) but are struggling to visualise what should be there and to source something that will help us with that visualisation.

We're undecided on the colour but are trying to match it to the three bird pictures from Indonesia that normally hang in this room (see previous blog entitled 'Ephemera'). The middle one in the picture below is too close to the colour of the picture mount and the one on the right, Parma Grey by Farrow and Ball, is too blue. In fact, we quite like the current wall colour so might just get that mixed up. But we're still dithering about that. So paints and lights, what to do?
We might also use wallpaper. But on which wall? We don't want it above the dado because we think it will be too much with the bird pictures. We could put it on the newly plastered wall, which was previously a 'feature' wall with black Miss Whiplash wallpaper, as S called it. Or perhaps either side of, and between, the windows, to act like curtains. Or on the chimney breast. More dithering. We like this wallpaper but will it be too much in terms of both pattern and expense?
Ipek Damask by Lewis and Wood: Inspired by the work of Pugin, here is a vibrant, colourful pattern with a wonderful free-flowing movement from the decorative painter Adam Calkin. A bold statement for any room this is a wallpaper that demands an entrance! |
But then the sun came out. And off we went outside, bored with sanding. S then decided to re-roof the shed instead of painting the dining room. Which meant replacing the boards as well as the felt. It had to be done properly and thoroughly. D is here so he was able to help lift the heavy boards up on to the roof and sit up there precariously banging in nails.
Now, why did I come up here??? |
And I did a bit of gardening, planting the two Rambling Rector roses next to the new fence, having given them a bit of a trim.
RR1 |
RR2 |
Then I thought I'd have another go at the corner bed. Mainly because I love using the mattock!
However, I got so far and then got distracted by picking damsons from the tree. Except I decided that they aren't damsons but are, in fact, some other kind of plum. Not sure what. They're not very big but they taste very nice. Then we realised that we have one spindly tree with three trunks, which may be runners (if plum trees have runners - note to self, find out...) from the main tree, which was engulfed by a lilac bush grown to tree-like dimensions. We decided that, if we chopped back the lilac, the tree might not have to struggle for light and would fill out to produce a good crop of plums. So we attacked the lilac, the debris joining the shed roof on the gravel.
It was then all hands on deck to try to tidy up the bits of tree.
What did you want me to do? |
Sprocket, hard at work. |
Mum enlisted to make kindling |
The Director |
Great British Workmen |
One side re-roofed |
The other side to be finished |
A total eclipse of the sun |
Full moon over the Old Rectory |
Artistic pile of sticks |
Are you sure I can't help? |
A quick lie down |
Work in progress |
A scene of devastation |
Boarding on |
Of course, they began the re-roofing without emptying the shed. Which then looked like this:
Roofer's lad in action |
A job for a lad and not for a roofer |
Roofer's lad, undaunted |
Keen to earn his wage |
Almost done |
Beautiful new roofing felt |
On both sides! |
Shed tidied up |
The mark of the artist |
Even the window got cleaned - have never seen this view before |
And the dining room still looks like this...